“Paranormal Activity 3” Interactive Panorama and Video

Role: Art Director, Designer, Developer

Paramount Pictures selected InMobi to help create awareness for the latest movie in their Paranormal Activity franchise. The Paranormal Activity franchise is all about sneaking up on, surprising, and scaring the people who watch the movies. The movie series “Paranormal Activity” has always made exceptial use of rich media in their ad campaigns to create suspenseful build-up.

Panorama Image and Effects

This is the seamless panoramic image used for the experience, along with a compliation of key frames from the haunted state special effects. As the user swipes through the scene, animated sequences are triggered and played over the image, creating the haunting effect. After swiping through the room and witnessing increasingly disturbing poltergeist activity, they arrive at the bathroom door, which begins to glow brightly and open suddenly, transitioning to a video of the sisters playing “Bloody Mary” in their mirror (the trailer for the film).

Click below to view fullscreen.

Close-up Look at an Animation Sequence

These are the actual set photos that the client shared, which I compiled into a virtual 360 image for the panorama experience.

Source Images from Paramount Pictures

These are the actual set photos that the client shared, which I compiled into a virtual 360 image for the panorama experience.

A Before-and-After Look in Photoshop

These are the actual set photos that the client shared, which I compiled into a virtual 360 image for the panorama experience.