Skittles “Pet the Cloud” Mobile Rich Media Ad Campaign

Skittles “Pet the Cloud” TV commercial by Lemon Lime Agency.

Role: Creative Director, Creative Designer and Developer

InMobi was chosen by Skittles to bring the wild “Pet The Rainbow” campaign to mobile users in the form of interactive rich media expandable banners and interstitials. This hilarious commercial, featured to the right, presents an elderly woman walking a pet cloud. She is approached by an unnaturally tall fellow who asks if he can pet her cloud, to detrimental, but funny, results.

Rather than featuring this video directly, InMobi translated this content into an interactive experience that compels the user to pet the cloud themselves. After a series of prompts, the user meets a similar fate as the giant from the commercial. They are then asked “Why did the cloud rain Skittles?” and compelled to “Find out on Youtube."

Screens at a Glance (Click to Enlarge)

The Original RFP-Winning Mockups

These mockups accompanied the RFP response put together by InMobi, and were a huge contributing factor to winning the campaign. It’s fun looking back at how I interepreted the concept of “Pet the Rainbow” based only on a few sentences from the RFP brief.