Tomb Board Game Logo

Of all my gaming logos, this is my absolute favorite (with Dungeon Bastard a close second).

All branding is essentially storytelling, but this is especially true for game brands. For this board game from AEG, with the evocative title Tomb, I packed as much storytelling as I possibly could, from the shape of the letters to the details of the backdrop. The warm, yellow light emanating from the cracked door lures adventurers to explore the depths of the dungeon within, while the gargoyle above issues a dire warning with its foreboding, glowing eyes and wailing maw.

The Published Box Art

This is the final box design created by AEG staff, with an amazing illustration by artist Chris Seaman. The gruesome Lich Lord appears to be coming out of the box itself, interacting with the prominent logo, which still remains readable due to the letter designs. The glowing “M” catches the eye of the viewer, then directs it to the center of interest, the game’s final boss. His giant sword directs them to the game’s tagline, and then to the publisher logo.

Game Board Detail

This is the game board designed by the creative staff at AEG. On it you can see the logo on the card backs on the board.